Division Chief Alejandro Limon was hired by the Salinas Fire Department in 2005 after spending the majority of his life growing up in Los Angeles. He was promoted through the ranks, ultimately landing in his current position as a Division Chief in July 2022. Before promoting, DC Limon was involved in multiple cadres and work groups including being the lead for the CISM/Peer Support Team, NFIRS Program Manager, Academy Instructor, Health and Safety Committee member, and Local 1270 Executive Board member for 10 years. He is now tasked with the coordination of multiple programs that fall under the Training Division, one of which includes the department’s Recruitment and Outreach Task Force. DC Limon is passionate about teaching and giving back to the city that hired him. He lives in the community with his wife and three kids and in his off time is passionate about coaching wrestling.
Batallion Chief
Division Chief LIMÓN